Follow the guide!
To make your move to the South of France easier, we created two guidebooks:
Only print if necessary
The Sud region in the South of France is known worldwide for the landscapes of Provence, the Alps, and the Côte d'Azur, but it also has an economic landscape that is attracting more and more companies and people from around the world! They come for the incomparable quality of life, the dynamic business ecosystem of 500 000 companies including world leaders, world-class research institutions, the diverse talent pool, and the range of training and education facilities dedicated to the professions of the future.
of coastline
of sun per year
winter sports
for pilots projects
for the green transition
The South of France is also...
French university
in the world for size (AMU)
What can we do for you?
risingSUD is your first contact and will welcome you and answer your first questions. Depending on your project, we will eithe develop a customised support progralm or, depending on the location of your project, can also put you in touch with one of the other economic development agencies that serve the region’s cities and departments.
Agence Départementale de Développement Économique et Touristique des Hautes-Alpes (site in French)
Communauté d’Agglomération de Sophia-Antipolis (site in French)
We also work with local employment, training, and education organizations, such as the DREETS national economic agency, the Pôle emploi employment agency, the APEC employment agency, the Académie d’Aix-Marseille & Académie de Nice school districts, the AFPA professional training agency, the OFII immigration office, and many others.
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